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Standard Response Protocol Half-Day
Livestream Seminar

Join us for an open enrollment live-streamed Standard Response Protocol (SRP) Half-Day Seminar on Tuesday, May 13th, 2025 from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm MT.

The Standard Response Protocol is an all-hazards approach that provides a uniform, planned, and practiced response to any incident. It is an action-based, flexible, and easy-to-learn program that rationally organizes tactics for response to weather events, fires, accidents, intruders, and other threats to personal safety.

Participants will walk away from the training with a deep understanding of the history, concepts and functionality of the SRP, and how it provides a proven, action-based enhancement to all-hazards school safety planning.

This open-enrollment training session is perfect for individuals and groups interested in learning more about the SRP.

Please note this live-streamed training session will not be considered a “train-the-trainer” seminar and certificates will not be provided as we cannot closely monitor the engagement of all participants, and there will not be a recording available of the session.

Read full course description.

Standard Reunification Method Logo
Mission Partners
Program Adopters
Curriculum Development
Software Integrations
Training Underwriters
State Practitioners
Hugs. I Love u guys.


To restore and protect the joy of youth through educational programs and positive actions in collaboration with families, schools, communities, organizations and government entities.


Standard Response Protocol

Action-based, flexible, and easy to learn.

Standard Reunification Method

Recovery starts when the crisis begins.

Reunification Exercise

Ready to go "Exercise in a Box."

Training and Events

From breakout sessions to full day workshops.

Tender Loving Care

Other projects we're handling with a little TLC.

Partner with Love

Together we’re a powerful conduit that unites.
