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That was some of the most impactful, relevant and well-produced material I have been witness to. The flow was smooth, the breaks were adequate and the speakers were outstanding.

Symposium: a gathering of practitioners who come together to share their knowledge and exchange ideas.

The Briefings, A National School Safety Symposium

The “I Love U Guys” Foundation is headed to the Bay Area on November 7-8, 2024! We are thrilled to bring the Briefings Symposium to San Mateo, CA, so get ready for two days packed with immersive learning and networking.

While, the Briefings Symposium has had its roots in Colorado, last year we made the decision to bring the Briefings to new parts of the country. Then, something pretty cool happened. Our partners and supporters have stepped up, offering their venues for our event. Thanks to our Mission Partner, Verkada, we have access to their top-notch training facility. We are thrilled to bring this enriching and informative experience to the heart of the Bay Area!

The Briefings is not just a conference, it is an amazing opportunity to meet and connect with individuals who work in schools, districts, departments, agencies, and organizations across the country. You will leave the Briefings with actionable insights and takeaways from The “I Love U Guys” Foundation speakers, and new, strong connections to help accomplish them.

This is one of the best trainings I have attended in a long time. It is evident that a lot of time and consideration was put into the training. Thank you for your strength, wisdom, courage, honesty and passion.
Felicia Starks,
Chief Safety Officer, Oak Park School District 97

The Sessions

This 2-day symposium fosters an environment for knowledge-sharing, relationship building, hands-on training and countless actionable insights that you can put to use as soon as you leave.

Day 1 highlights timely and fresh presentations and discussions from our Foundation Speakers, and Day 2 will feature our Full-Day SRP/SRM Train the Trainer Workshop.

Platte Canyon Debrief

This presentation explores the interactions during the Platte Canyon High School events between a negotiator, Stacy Avila, and a 16 year old girl being held hostage. It’s a powerful affirmation of a negotiator and a victim’s father, John-Michael Keyes, sharing their experiences on that day and the positive outcomes and protocols that are impacting schools across the globe as a result of tragedy.

SRP/SRM Implementation with Exceptional Populations

"The environment dictates the tactics"

Learn how an educational service agency is implementing SRP/SRM in challenging academic environments, holding to the standards of The “I Love U Guys” Foundation.

Full-Day SRP/SRM Train the Trainer Workshop

The Full-Day Workshop introduces the history, concepts and functionality of the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) and the Standard Reunification Method (SRM), including implementation of the programs, team training, advanced questions, and plenty of opportunities for networking with your peers. Participants will come away from this workshop able to train others within their organization on the SRP and the SRM.

The Speakers

Learn from people who have been there. Our speakers share experiences and lessons learned in a way that will inspire you to take action and prepare for the unthinkable. They share their stories with a blend of emotion and tangible paths forward that illustrate the importance of planning and preparing.


John-Michael Keyes
Co-Founder & Special Projects

The “I Love U Guys” Foundation


Stacy Avila
SWAT Negotiator (Retired)

Arvada Police Department / Jeffco Regional


Dustin Vincent
District Safety Coordinator

Northeast Metro 916 Intermediate School District


Have a question or two? Chances are we've heard it before. Check out these FAQs. If you still need some help, email us at

I thought the Briefings Symposium was in September?

We originally set out to hold The Briefings Symposium on September 5-6, and who would have guessed that it may not have been the best choice to hold a conference at the beginning of the school year and in the middle of wildfire season? Well, we listened to the messages and wanted to make sure everyone who wants to attend is able to, so we moved the Briefings Symposium to November 7-8, 2024. Just think of it as a couple of extra months to prepare yourself for this transformative experience.

What hotels do you recommend?

There are several hotels in the heart of San Mateo, CA near the Briefings venue. Below is a list of recommended lodging options in order of proximity to Verkada HQ.

Will I go hungry?

We won't let you go hungry, or "hangry” as the kids say! Here is the low down on food and beverages:

  • Coffee and water available all day
  • Light breakfast items available in the morning
  • Healthy morning and afternoon snacks provided
  • Catered lunches provided on each day
  • Dinner will be on your own

What time do I need to be there?

We pack a lot in each day! Be ready to start at 8:00am and end at 4:30pm on both days. Doors will open at 7:00 am.

Mission Partners
Curriculum Adopters
Curriculum Development
Software Integrations
Training Underwriters
Program Advancers
Hugs. I Love u guys.


To restore and protect the joy of youth through educational programs and positive actions in collaboration with families, schools, communities, organizations and government entities.


Standard Response Protocol

Action-based, flexible, and easy to learn.

Standard Reunification Method

Recovery starts when the crisis begins.

Reunification Exercise

Ready to go "Exercise in a Box."

Training and Events

From breakout sessions to full day workshops.

Tender Loving Care

Other projects we're handling with a little TLC.

Partner with Love

Together we’re a powerful conduit that unites.
